Wataya Wood-Based Industrial Zone

Wataya Wood-Based Industrial Zone (WWBIZ)

Wataya Wood-based industrial zone is now thriving Both the government and the national entrepreneurs can gain benefit from te sale of finished wood products at higher prices. 

The Union of Myanmar is blessed with teak and other valuable forest resources. Some of foreign exchange essential for nation-building tasks comes from timber export. In this process, both the government and the national entrepreneurs can gain benefit from the sale of finished wood products at higher prices. With this end in view, the government is offering all kinds of assistance to wood-based industries. It is necessary for the entrepreneurs to produce wood-based products which have ready world’s market on a greater scale, to secure reasonable prices, to pay taxes correctly, and to install more high-tech machinery in their factories. With genuine goodwill towards the people, the government is taking serious steps to ensure national development and strong national economy. As a result reliable infrastructures have now emerged. At this opportune time, national entrepreneurs who are making concerted and continued efforts in all sincerity will enjoy fruitful results from their commitment.

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