Export Marketing & Milling Department

About Export Marketing & Milling Department



              Export Marketing & Milling Department, Myanma Timber Enterprise is composed of the General Manager, Deputy General Managers for five Divisions which are namely the Planning & Round log sale, Marketing, Sawmilling, Inspection and Administration, and over hundred officers & about 3000 staffs from 26 units of all divisions.


              The competency of the Department includes all operations relating to the management of business relations to meet the customers’ needs, and that cover the timber supply chain from the moment of truck, barge and train load arrive at timber depots until the transfer of the ownership of the cargoes to the customer at ports and terminals. The other function of the Department is to organize regular and systematic audit measurements of the timber and other timber products to be sold to the customers. Its staff members act as internal auditors, measuring the timber being transferred from the possession of Extraction Department to the customers’ ownership, mainly on the way to the customers’ premises while the timber has been loaded on trucks, barges or vessels and, to a lesser extent, at interim sites such as ports and terminals before final delivery or shipment.


              Moreover the Department also runs the teak sawmills which produce the teak conversion and scantling for export markets and manages the processing activities of primary & secondary timber products. Besides Inspection Branch conduct wood-using industry surveys, compiling and reporting data on timber utilization of private industries. It also provides specialized services in promoting efficiency in product quality assurance and value-addition in the Timber Industry.


              The other function of the Department is to organize regular and systematic audit measurements of the timber and other ligneous timber products sold. Its staff members act as internal auditors, measuring the timber being transferred from the possession of Extraction Department to the customers’ possession, mainly on the way to the customers’ premises while the timber has been loaded on trucks, barges or vessels and, to a lesser extent, at interim sites such as ports and terminals before final delivery or shipment. More over the Department also runs the teak sawmills which produce the teak conversion and scantling for export markets and manages the activities of procession of primary & secondary timber products.


              Activities of Inspection include conducting wood-using industry surveys, compiling and reporting data on quantities and species of wood used by private industries. It also provides specialized services in promoting efficiency in product quality assurance and value-addition in the Timber Industry.


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