Wood Based Dept Tender OT 04/2018-2019(4.2.2019)
Myanma Timber Enterprise will sell Teak/Hardwood Conversions and Teak P.T.G by competitive bidding. Particulars of the Open Tender Sales are as follows:
Wood Based Industry Department Open Tender No- OT 05/2018-2019 (11-2-2019)
Myanma Timber Enterprise will sell Hardwood Veneer By Competitive Bidding, Particulars of the Open Tender Sales are as follow;
Wood Based Department Open Tender No-OT-06/2018-2019(WBI)(22-3-2019)
Myanma Timber Enterprise will sell Teak/Hardwood Conversions and Teak P.T.G by competitive bidding. Particulars of the Open Tender Sales are as follows:
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